Brand Name: Ortho *Sub Brand: GroundClear *Targeted Weed: Brush & Poison Ivy *Product Type: Killer *Product Form: Concentrate *Container Size: 32 oz. *Application Location: Landscape *Pre/Post Emergent: Post Emergent *OMRI Certified: No *Type of Weed: Multi-Weed *Rain Proof: Yes *Coverage Area: 3200 sq. ft. *Packaging Type: Bottle *Application Season: MultiSeason *Organic: No *Primary Active Ingredient: Triclopyr, Triethylamine salt *32 oz. concentrate *Kills over 60 types of weeds *100% root kill - guaranteed *The best way to get rid of poison ivy and tough brush *Bottle *Discovery ACC, NBR
Brand Name: Ortho
*Sub Brand: GRASS-B-GON
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Grass Killer
*Product Form: RTU Liquid
*Container Size: 24 oz.
*Post Emergent: Yes
*Pre Emergent: No
*Rain Proof: No
*Active Ingredient: Fluazifop-P-Bytyl
*Packaging Type: Trigger Spray Bottle
*Kills bermudagrass, annual bluegrass, barnyardgrass, quackgrass and more
*Contains: 0.48% Fusilade
ORTHO WEEDCLEAR LWK BASE RTS 32OZ *Sub Brand: WeedClear *Targeted Weed: Weed *Product Type: Killer *Product Form: RTS Hose-End Concentrate *Container Size: 32 oz. *Primary Active Ingredient: 2,4-D Dimethylamine Salt *OMRI Certified: No *Application Location: Lawn *Pre/Post Emergent: Post Emergent *Rain Proof: Yes *Organic: No *Type of Weed: Broadleaf Weeds *Packaging Type: Hose-End Spray Bottle *Application Season: Multi Season *Coverage Area: 16000 sq. ft. *Concentrate or Ready to Use: Ready to Use *Discovery ACC
ORTHO WEEDCLEAR LWK BASE RTU 24OZ *Sub Brand: WeedClear *Targeted Weed: Weed *Product Type: Killer *Product Form: RTU Liquid *Container Size: 24 oz. *Organic: No *Application Location: Lawn *Type of Weed: Broadleaf Weeds *Primary Active Ingredient: 2,4-D Dimethylamine Salt *Packaging Type: Sprayer *Pre/Post Emergent: Post Emergent *Rain Proof: Yes *Application Season: Multi Season *OMRI Certified: No *Concentrate or Ready to Use: Ready to Use *Discovery ACC, NBR
Brand Name: Ortho
*Sub Brand: Weed B Gon
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Weed Killer
*Product Form: Concentrate
*Container Size: 16 oz.
*Post Emergent: Yes
*Packaging Type: Bottle
*Rain Proof: Yes
*Pre Emergent: No
*Active Ingredient: Triclopyr, Triethylamine Salt
*Coverage Area: 3200 sq. ft.
*Kills tough lawn weeds including: chickweed, clover, oxalis, creeping Charlie, ground ivy, speedwell, and others
*Contains 8% Triclopyr
*Rain fast in hours
*Won't harm lawns
*One pint treats 3,200 sq. ft.
Brand Name: Preen
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Garden Weed Preventer
*Product Form: Granules
*Container Size: 5.625 lb.
*For Use On/Effective On: Broadleaf Weeds/Grasses
*Product Control Duration: 3
*Post Emergent: No
*Pre Emergent: Yes
*Coverage Area: 900 sq. ft.
*Active Ingredient: Trifluralin
*OMRI Certified: No
*Rain Proof: Yes
*Packaging Type: Bottle
Brand Name: BioAdvanced
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Weed and Crabgrass Killer
*Product Form: RTS Hose-End Concentrate
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*For Use On/Effective On: Crabgrass
*Post Emergent: Yes
*Packaging Type: Hose-end Spray Bottle
*Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft.
*Rain Proof: Yes
*Pre Emergent: No
*OMRI Certified: No
*Active Ingredient: 1.61 percent Quinclorac / 4.85 percent 2,4-D dimethylamine salt
PREEN GDN WEED PREV 16# *Brand Name: Preen *Targeted Weed: Weed *Product Type: Preventer *Product Form: Granules *Container Size: 16 lb *OMRI Certified: No *Organic: No *Coverage Area: 2560 sq ft *Rain Proof: Yes *Packaging Type: Granules Can *Primary Active Ingredient: Trifluralin *Application Season: Multi Season *Pre/Post Emergent: Pre Emergent *Type of Weed: Broadleaf Weeds *Region: Multi-Region *Application Location: Garden/Landscrape/Lawn *Lawn Project: Get Rid of Weeds *Helpful Tips: Apply Preen Weed Preventer during the growing season and in dry weather. Remove existing weeds, sprinkle evenly around plants, then water. Contain hand-held scoops which can be used to apply the product. *Discovery ACC
Brand Name: Ferti-Lome
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Weed Free Zone
*Product Form: RTS Hose-End Concentrate
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Pre Emergent: No
*Post Emergent: Yes
*For Use On/Effective On: Broadleaf Weeds
*Packaging Type: Hose-end Spray Bottle
*Active Ingredient: 2, 4-D, 2-ethylhexyl ester
*Rain Proof: No
*Ready to Spray
Brand Name: Ferti-Lome
*Sub Brand: Ready-To-Use
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Weed Free Zone
*Product Form: Concentrate
*Container Size: 16 oz.
*For Use On/Effective On: Broadleaf Weeds
*Rain Proof: No
*Coverage Area: 8000 sq. ft.
*Packaging Type: Bottle
*Pre Emergent: No
*Post Emergent: Yes
*Active Ingredient: Mecoprop-P
*Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Red Fescue, Colonial Bentgrass, Common Bermuda Grass, Hybrid Bermuda Grass, Bahia Grass, Zoysia Grass, Buffalo Grass, St. Augustine and Centipede Grass.
Brand Name: Ortho
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Nutsedge Killer
*Product Form: RTS Hose-End Concentrate
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Packaging Type: Bottle
*Active Ingredient: Sulfentrazone
*Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft.
*Pre Emergent: No
*Rain Proof: Yes
*Post Emergent: Yes
*Ready to spray
*Safe for use on Northern and Southern lawns
*Kills yellow and purple nutsedge and poa annua
*Rainproof in two hours
*Active ingredient: sulfentrazone
Ace Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate 32oz
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Lawn Weed Killer
*Product Form: Concentrate
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Active Ingredient: Mecoprop-p, 2, 4-D and Dicamba
*Pre Emergent: No
*Packaging Type: Bottle
*Post Emergent: Yes
*OMRI Certified: No
*Coverage Area: 12800 sq. ft.
*Rain Proof: No
*Visible results in 24 hours
*Kills weed roots
*Kills broadleaf weeds
Weed Control
*Sub Brand: Extended Control
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Landscape Weed Preventer
*Product Form: Granules
*Container Size: 4.93 lb.
*Post Emergent: No
*Coverage Area: 805 sq. ft.
*For Use On/Effective On: Broadleaf Weeds/Grasses
*Active Ingredient: Trifluralin-Isoxaben
*OMRI Certified: No
*Pre Emergent: Yes
*Product Control Duration: 6
*Rain Proof: Yes
*Packaging Type: Bottle